Time Management

I’ve heard time and time again that I need to focus more on the task at hand, whatever I’m doing; just do it and get the job done.
Today at therapy with Mandi we were walking outside on the grassy hills in front of the Level 11 parking lot with a cane when a lady was walking her puppy. Although I was on an uneven surface and didn’t have my balance I still exclaimed, “Mandi, look a puppy!” As a result  my trunk fell forward and I hinged at my hips, Mandi had my gate belt and queued me to engage in my core, butt, and shoulders; like magic, I sprang up tall. We continued on our walk and a while later I had the same reaction, I don’t even remember what distracted me this time.
Again Mandi was on the gate belt and queuing me but once I stood tall and balanced, she got in front of me and said that this is why I’m not allowed to use my loft strands or a cane at home. I let things distract me to the point where I lose my balance. In order to move on I’ve got to focus.

Once I got home from therapy I listened to part of the podcast, The Charged Life:  Simplifying Time Management. It said that every morning before you do anything productive you should write down 3 things that you would like to accomplish that day and do it. This sounds doable, wish me luck!


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